Liberals’ Opinions: Obama is Just Too Smart for Voters
If Mr. Obama’s fount of wisdom were not enough regarding how business owners “did not build” their businesses, we now have The Los Angeles Times informing us voters that we just don’t get it. Mr....
View ArticleLatin American Despot Endorses Obama Again
In case you missed it, Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez gave an endorsement of Barack Obama and slammed Governor Romney. As one of the world’s despots, Chavez has all but destroyed the Venezuelan...
View ArticleThe Romneys Pay Respects at the Western Wall of Temple Mount in Jerusalem on...
From Israel National News: Romney said that “In this sacred spot and on this special day, I have gotten to know more about the history of the Jewish people, and I feel the pain of the destruction...
View ArticleThe Genius of Milton Friedman — Capitalism Preserved
Four days ago, The Wall Street Journal published an outstanding article by Stephen Moore titled, The Man Who Saved Capitalism. One of the reasons President Reagan’s economic policies were so successful...
View ArticleBarack Obama’s Fantasy vs. Reality
Wednesday I spent 12 hours driving home from a family vacation. Rather than listen to my XM stations of choice, PATRIOT or POTUS, I decided to spend a few hours listening to LEFT. If a person had...
View ArticleSome of Gov. Romney’s Longtime Close Advisers & Friends
The Wall Street Journal’s Colleen McCain Nelson wrote an article titled, Following Romney Again and Again. I love these glimpses into Governor Romney’s campaign; even for those of us that have followed...
View ArticleJesse Watters: Humor from Harvard
What can I say? I am partial to Jesse Watters! My favorite part of these Harvard Square “interviews” are of the two researchers that have no idea what Solyndra and Fast & Furious are. And I love...
View ArticleCharacter Matters and America Deserves Better!
Without need for commentary, the video speaks for itself! Further insights on character are noted here and here.
View ArticlePaul Ryan: “Without Guile or Pretense”— Why America Will Win
We are going to win! Assuming Mitt Romney is elected President of the United States, he just made the first major decision of his presidency. His selection of Paul Ryan as his vice president is another...
View ArticleIntel from Axelrod’s Tent — The Stench of Panic
Try to imagine you are Obama or Biden right now. They all but admitted they never saw it coming. ‘It’ being the Paul Ryan veep choice. And now they are scrambling on defense again to figure out what to...
View ArticlePaul Ryan’s First Solo Interview since VP Announcement
This was a Brit Hume (Fox News) exclusive interview of Paul Ryan. It is a high level discussion that I think effectively starts the national debate to contrast the Romney economic plan with Obama’s. I...
View ArticleGiuliani & Noonan Call-Out Mainstream Media’s Double Standard — Biden:...
I’ll bet you didn’t know there was an MRC TV, did you? Neither did I. But one does exist! NBC’s Meet The Press Sunday gave us two very short clips; one of Mayor Rudy Giuliani calling out the mainstream...
View ArticleThe Mitt Romney We Know — Private Observation
Some of you may have seen this story making its way around the internet. I received it from a friend and, after contacting the author, decided, with his permission, to give it a broader distribution...
View ArticleObama Cuts Military Support to Israel & Receives Near Silence during Speech...
In an exclusive article published yesterday, TimeWorld reported (Exclusive: U.S. Scales-Back Military Exercise with Israel, Affecting Potential Iran Strike) that the U.S. government has been attempting...
View ArticleObama’s Actions Fully Eclipse the Confidence of his Words
This is the most powerful short documentary I have seen to expose Obama’s empty rhetoric. I cannot imagine any thinking person voting for Barack Obama if they watched this video and really thought...
View ArticleBarack Obama’s Entertainment While President of the United States…To the...
Put this in the category of entertainment. And what type of entertainment is that? The kind that Mr. Barack Obama enjoys the most as President of the United States. He can sing. He can Dance. He can do...
View ArticleDemocrat Pat Caddell: “Truth You Are Not Allowed to Know!”
If only I could show this video to every American 15 years and older! Rather than quote Pat Caddel here, you need to see his delivery. Every second of this four minute clip is extraordinary candor and...
View ArticleE.W. Jackson Calls for “Mass Exodus” from Democrat Party
MittRomneyCentral has published a number of extraordinarily powerful videos over the last three years. I believe this one belongs in that category. Yes, I know it is longer than one minute…sorry, but...
View ArticleMitt Romney Knows the Average American Well
Most of 2012, Barack Obama spent literally hundreds of millions of dollars using every artifice available in his attempts to define Mitt Romney as an out of touch rich guy that could never understand...
View ArticleLighten Up! Watters’ World on Doubled Gas Prices & Single Women (#Video)
Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at American Values: “In God We Trust” — “Liberty” — “E Pluribus Unum” Twitter Follow: @VicLundquist – Dedicated to...
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